Sunday, August 28, 2011

Prayer - Transformation

Heavenly Father,

You are the God of transformation. You take seeds and turn them into glorious, productive plants. You take sinners and transform them into your forgiven children. We praise you for transforming us - continue to mold us in your likeness.

Forgive us, Jesus, for turning away from you. Help us to claim our inheritance and transformation, walking with you, serving for you, and making disciples.

Grow in us an urgency to spread the good news of the Gospel. Give us the words, opportunities, and courage to be bold in proclaiming our faith and winning one more for you, Jesus!

We pray earnestly for those who don't know you and for those who know you yet reject you. Open their eyes, touch their hearts, and empower us to share your Word with them.

It is in your holy name we pray, precious Jesus. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Prayer - September 11 Anniversary

Heavenly Father,

When our security was shattered, our safety threatened, and our confidence shaken, you were our Rock.

When planes became weapons, lives were lost, and our future forever changed, you were our Strength.

When rescuers became heroes, citizens became soldiers, and the apathetic became patriots, you were our Inspiration.

Ten years ago, this nation changed. We turned toward You, Gracious God, finding in You meaning otherwise lost. As we rebuilt our nation and began fighting against the evil of terrorism, You were greater than our fear and the source of peace otherwise illusive.

We are a nation under Your control. Help us not to forget what happened that September day. And keep us safe, protect our service men and women who are in harm's way as they fight against our enemies.

Let us resolve to be Your servants with grateful hearts and ever-increasing faith. Bless us with Your peace. All honor and glory are yours, our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Prayer - True Peace

Heavenly Father,

We adore you. We praise you. We honor you. We worship you. None is like you for you are holy. You are love.

Precious Jesus, we love you. Help us to be more like you. Give us the strength and courage to boldly proclaim you as our Savior. We want everyone to know you! Only in relationship with you can we find true peace.

Forgive us, Lord, for our weakness. Too often we order our days so you come last. Holy Spirit, inspire us to do better and do more for the Kingdom! Encourage us to set our priorities to be in line with God's good, pleasing and perfect will.

Our blessings are so many and our response so quiet. We thank you, Gracious God, for all you have given us. Let us loudly proclaim you as our Father, Savior, and Spirit.

In Jesus' holy name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Prayer - Time, Talents, and Resources

Heavenly Father,

All honor and glory are yours, our sovereign and gracious Creator and Redeemer. We praise you with word and song, devoting ourselves to deepening our relationship with you.

How wonderful you are, Lord. Your providence sustains us all our days. When we encounter trials, we give thanks for your care. Through struggles we draw closer to you, relying on your unmeasurable strength to provide everything we need to overcome. We trust in your good, pleasing, and perfect will for our lives.

Help us to grow in service, to help expand your kingdom on earth, and to make disciples. Let us focus on using our time, talents, and resources to serve you. You have called, us, Jesus, to leave everything behind and follow you. Give us such courage!

Let our mission be yours - to spread the good news of the Gospel so more people may come to know you and enjoy the richness of walking with you through our lives.

In your holy name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Prayer - Purpose

Heavenly Father,

How wonderful and glorious you are, full of power and might. We honor you for your faithfulness, your generosity, your forgiving nature, and your constancy in an ever-changing world. We worship you, Gracious God, and thank you for the blessings you have given us.

Reveal to us our purpose. Help us to see and use the talents you have given us to further your kingdom. Show us how to serve as you would have us serve. Let us recognize your will and be faithful and courageous enough to follow it. Give us the strength to turn away from worldly temptations and distractions to focus more completely on you.

As we grow in you, turning from the usual to your divine intentions, we will balk. We will stutter. We will feel challenged. Yet we know change and growth are often painful. Forgive us for our unbeliefe, hesitancy, and lack of faith.

We love you, Creator God, Brother Jesus, and Holy Spirit. You are ours. We are yours.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Prayer - Easter Blessings

Heavenly Father,

Our celebration of your great love continues this Easter season as we honor you and your Son, our Savior, Jesus. We worship you with joyful hearts, knowing your good, pleasing, and perfect will was carried out when you raised Jesus from the dead. We honor you, glorify you, and praise you.

Brother Jesus, we are grateful beyond expression for your obedience to our Father's will. Through your example, sacrifice, and faith we have been saved. Hallelujah! Be our companion, walking with us through life, guiding us to service in your example.

Grow our faith, pour out your blessings upon us, and equip us to spread the Good News of the Gospel to all who would hear.

In the name of our Risen Savior we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Prayer - Equipping Us to Work

Heavenly Father,

We celebrate and worship you, giving you the best of ourselves. We honor you for being our trusted Lord and Savior, our glorious redeemer.

When we feel lost, we can find our way by seeking you. We are grateful for the consistency of your Holy Word. Reveal to us your will and show us how we can serve you.

We ask your blessings on every member of your earthly family. Pour out your love upon us, equipping us to do your work on earth.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Prayer - Memorial Day

Heavenly Father,

How wonderful and mighty you are, greater than our understanding and so much bigger than any of our problems. We glorify and worship you, Lord, giving you our adoration.

We remember those who fought and died for our freedom. This freedom includes our ability to worhip you openly. Let us never take for granted this great privilege! For we are made for worship and our right to do so is ensured by the sacrifice of brave men and women.

Let us honor you, Jesus, by telling all who do not know of your love and sacrifice for us as well. Help us to be your hands and feet. Give us wisdom and courage so we can witness to your unimaginable love. And let all who we encounter see your love reflected through us.

These things we pray in Jesus' name. Amen

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Prayer - Challenged to Serve

Heavenly Father,

We praise you, honor you, and glorify you, lifting our eyes to you and seeking your will. We celebrate your unconditional love and give you our worship, seeking to honor you in all we say and do.

Let our hearts be united in our desire to be Jesus' hands and feet in the world. Help us to focus our ministry on missions taking us outside the comfort of the walls of our sanctuary, challenging ourselves to be more active and uncomfortable.

When we fall short of your purpose for us, forgive us. When we fall victim to worldly pressures, set us back on the path leading to you. When we put self first and you last, wrap your loving arms around us and lead us home.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Prayer - Blessings on America

Heavenly Father,

We raise our hearts, our voices, and our hands in praise of you! We celebrate your constant presence in our lives. You are our rock, redeemer, creator, and sustainer. In you have have our life and being.

We give great thanks for the blessings of freedom, the ability to worship you freely and joyfully, and the wisdom of those who risked their lives to establish this nation.

Pour out your Holy Spirit on the United States of America and its citizens. Our hope rests in you, blessed Jesus. Help us to be your servants and to fulfill the mission you have give us to go out and make disciples.

In your holy name we pray. Amen.

Prayer - In Praise of the Holy Spirit

Heavenly Father,

All honor and glory are yours. We praise your name and celebrate your constant, abiding presence in our lives. We lift our hearts in worship, singing hymns, songs, and prayers of praise.

Surround us, dear Lord, with your presence. Send your Holy Spirit to fill us. Let us be intimately aware of your will and your purpose for our lives.

Forgive us when we fail and guide our steps. Help us to be disciples, to make disciples, and to further your kingdom on earth.

In the name of our precious Savior we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Prayer - Praise

Heavenly Father,

We praise your, author of life, for the blessings you have showered upon us. We honor you for the gift of grace and mercy which changes our lives from finite to infinite.

Let the work of our hands be pleasing to you. Bless us with the gift of discernment, giving us the ability to be better servant, seeing you will not our own. Show us the way to the ministry you have selected for us. And unite us in purpose that together we would build your kingdom on earth.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Prayer - Spiritual Renewal

Heavenly Father,

How awesome are you and how wonderful is your son, Jesus. You are worthy of all our praise. We thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit who fills our hearts and souls with your presence.

We ask you to bless those who answer your call to serve. As we keep the promise of spiritual renewal alive, we seek your wisdom and guidance. Give us eyes to see the nees around us, ears to hear the needs of our fellow Christians as well as your leading, and hearts filled with joy and acceptance for our brothers and sisters.

We know we have fallen short of your perfect will for our lives. Please forgive us for short comings and provide your abundant grace so we might enjoy the benefits of salvation. Help us be more like Christ in all we say and do.

All these things we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Prayer - Spring and Renewal

Heavenly Father,

We praise your for the showers of blessings you give us. We are awed by your extravagant love made evident in the beauty of the earth, love of family and friends, and joy of knowing Jesus, your Son.

We thank you for changing seasons - the beauty of spring, the promise of new life, and the glory of renewal we see each day. We are grateful for your providence and care. We celebrate the conclusions to seasons and chapters to our lives, but, look forward with anticipation to all you have in store for us. We see your hand at work, guiding and sustaining us, eager to watch your will unfold and to be your servants in the process. Let us look with eyes of wisdom, hearts of love, and hands of service toward all you have prepared for u.

Forgive us. Lord, when we worry and attempt to take control of the circumstances of our lives. Help us to relinquish this tight grip on all tings out of our control and let you be our sovereign, gracious, and merciful Father. Help us to be instruments of your will, not our own, so we further your kingdom here on earth.

We love you. We honor you. We praise you. We rest in you.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Prayer - Celebrating Earthly and Heavenly Fathers

Heavenly Father,

We praise you for earthly fathers and honor you, our heavenly Father. Your wisdom and provision mean our needs are always met, we are unconditionally loved, and we are the recipients of your good gifts.

Let our actions always honor you. Help us to discern your will for our lives and to prioritize apporpriately. Give us hearts for service and the desire to use our spiritual gifts to grow your kingdom and make disciples.

When we have sinned, forgive us. When we have strayed, set us right. When we have let worldly busyness dictate our actions, prick our hearts. In you we find all we need! We pray for those who are hurting, those who are lost, and those who don't know Jesus. Give us the kills to minister to hem, to be Jesus to them, and to reflect your love in all we do and say.

These things we ask in Jesus' name! Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011