Friday, August 12, 2011

Prayer - Spiritual Renewal

Heavenly Father,

How awesome are you and how wonderful is your son, Jesus. You are worthy of all our praise. We thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit who fills our hearts and souls with your presence.

We ask you to bless those who answer your call to serve. As we keep the promise of spiritual renewal alive, we seek your wisdom and guidance. Give us eyes to see the nees around us, ears to hear the needs of our fellow Christians as well as your leading, and hearts filled with joy and acceptance for our brothers and sisters.

We know we have fallen short of your perfect will for our lives. Please forgive us for short comings and provide your abundant grace so we might enjoy the benefits of salvation. Help us be more like Christ in all we say and do.

All these things we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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