Friday, August 12, 2011

Prayer - Spring and Renewal

Heavenly Father,

We praise your for the showers of blessings you give us. We are awed by your extravagant love made evident in the beauty of the earth, love of family and friends, and joy of knowing Jesus, your Son.

We thank you for changing seasons - the beauty of spring, the promise of new life, and the glory of renewal we see each day. We are grateful for your providence and care. We celebrate the conclusions to seasons and chapters to our lives, but, look forward with anticipation to all you have in store for us. We see your hand at work, guiding and sustaining us, eager to watch your will unfold and to be your servants in the process. Let us look with eyes of wisdom, hearts of love, and hands of service toward all you have prepared for u.

Forgive us. Lord, when we worry and attempt to take control of the circumstances of our lives. Help us to relinquish this tight grip on all tings out of our control and let you be our sovereign, gracious, and merciful Father. Help us to be instruments of your will, not our own, so we further your kingdom here on earth.

We love you. We honor you. We praise you. We rest in you.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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