Friday, August 12, 2011

Prayer - Celebrating Earthly and Heavenly Fathers

Heavenly Father,

We praise you for earthly fathers and honor you, our heavenly Father. Your wisdom and provision mean our needs are always met, we are unconditionally loved, and we are the recipients of your good gifts.

Let our actions always honor you. Help us to discern your will for our lives and to prioritize apporpriately. Give us hearts for service and the desire to use our spiritual gifts to grow your kingdom and make disciples.

When we have sinned, forgive us. When we have strayed, set us right. When we have let worldly busyness dictate our actions, prick our hearts. In you we find all we need! We pray for those who are hurting, those who are lost, and those who don't know Jesus. Give us the kills to minister to hem, to be Jesus to them, and to reflect your love in all we do and say.

These things we ask in Jesus' name! Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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