Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Prayer - Family

Heavenly Father,

In his letter to the Galatians, Paul tells us to carry each others’ burdens and in so doing, fulfill the law of Christ.

We are your family, Lord, and sometimes we are disobedient, lost, and wandering. Help us to recognize Christ’s law to serve each other. Give us the desire to help our Christian family to be all you want for us. When one’s burden is too great, let us step up and lighten the load. When our load is heavy, let us without embarrassment or fear ask for help.

We thank you for our kind and caring church family who reach out and help those in need. Let us be Jesus’ hands and feet for those who are in need, who are searching, who need caring, Christian compassion in their lives.

We ask for your healing for the ill, your comfort for the grieving, and your continued blessings for all who call upon your name.

For it is in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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