Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Prayer - Open Hearts and Minds

Heavenly Father,

We adore you. We honor you. We praise you. We glorify you. You alone are holy and to be worshipped.

Give us open hearts and minds, Lord, and the courage to profess our faith openly. Show us how to be Christian role models, living lives of example. We know we are not perfect, we are sinners, and fall short of your glory. Yet we know you can use us to grow your Kingdom here on earth. Equip us so we can be your hands and feet, ministering to those in need.

Let us use the talents you have blessed us with to win one more for Jesus. Use us to accomplish your divine and perfect will. Allow us to be your messengers – not always speaking – but always reflecting your unconditional love.

We are grateful for all you have given us. And we boldly ask for more – more faith, more talents, more courage, more desire to serve you.

We pray these things in Jesus’ holy and precious name. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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