Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Prayer - Storms of Life

Heavenly Father,

Through the storms of life, our vision is obscured. We fail to see your hand at work when the wind is raging, the skies are dark, and the downpour reduces our world to a small, lonely, and empty spot.

Yet it is in those times you are closest to us. You don’t cause the storms we face but you do show us the way through. When we feel despair, you provide hope. When we feel lost, you show us the way. When we ache physically, emotionally, spiritually, you revive us. When we turn our backs, you remain constant and full of grace.

Jesus, precious Jesus, be with us in all days and all circumstances. Let us turn toward you when we feel battered and bruised. Give us the reassurance that you are always near to us and all we need to do is call upon your name. When we feel weak, you are strong – more powerful than any challenge we will face.

Pour out your blessings upon us and instill in us a sense of purpose, the desire to discern and do God’s will, and the gentleness you modeled for all to see.

In your holy name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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