Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Prayer - September 11 Anniversary

Heavenly Father,

When our security was shattered, our safety threatened, and our confidence shaken, you were our Rock.

When planes became weapons, lives were lost, and our future forever changed, you were our Strength.

When rescuers became heroes, citizens became soldiers, and the apathetic became patriots, you were our Inspiration.

Ten years ago, this nation changed. We turned toward You, Gracious God, finding in You meaning otherwise lost. As we rebuilt our nation and began fighting against the evil of terrorism, You were greater than our fear and the source of peace otherwise illusive.

We are a nation under Your control. Help us not to forget what happened that September day. And keep us safe, protect our service men and women who are in harm's way as they fight against our enemies.

Let us resolve to be Your servants with grateful hearts and ever-increasing faith. Bless us with Your peace. All honor and glory are yours, our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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