Sunday, August 28, 2011

Prayer - Transformation

Heavenly Father,

You are the God of transformation. You take seeds and turn them into glorious, productive plants. You take sinners and transform them into your forgiven children. We praise you for transforming us - continue to mold us in your likeness.

Forgive us, Jesus, for turning away from you. Help us to claim our inheritance and transformation, walking with you, serving for you, and making disciples.

Grow in us an urgency to spread the good news of the Gospel. Give us the words, opportunities, and courage to be bold in proclaiming our faith and winning one more for you, Jesus!

We pray earnestly for those who don't know you and for those who know you yet reject you. Open their eyes, touch their hearts, and empower us to share your Word with them.

It is in your holy name we pray, precious Jesus. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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