Thursday, August 18, 2011

Prayer - Time, Talents, and Resources

Heavenly Father,

All honor and glory are yours, our sovereign and gracious Creator and Redeemer. We praise you with word and song, devoting ourselves to deepening our relationship with you.

How wonderful you are, Lord. Your providence sustains us all our days. When we encounter trials, we give thanks for your care. Through struggles we draw closer to you, relying on your unmeasurable strength to provide everything we need to overcome. We trust in your good, pleasing, and perfect will for our lives.

Help us to grow in service, to help expand your kingdom on earth, and to make disciples. Let us focus on using our time, talents, and resources to serve you. You have called, us, Jesus, to leave everything behind and follow you. Give us such courage!

Let our mission be yours - to spread the good news of the Gospel so more people may come to know you and enjoy the richness of walking with you through our lives.

In your holy name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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