Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prayer - Intimacy

Heavenly Father,

How wonderful is Your name, deserving of honor, praise, and thanksgiving. You alone are holy and mighty are your works in all the earth.

Draw us close, Jesus, so we can walk in Your ways and do Your will. Guide us in right paths and help us to be true disciples. Open our hearts and minds to Your teachings, shaping our lives to honor You in all we say and do.

Because of Your mercy and grace, we are a forgiven people, loved unconditionally. Let our joy and peace made possible by your death and resurrection be evident to all we encounter. Help us to bring one more into relationship with You, Jesus.

Forgive our sins and cleanse us from unrighteousness. Renew our spirits and refresh our souls. For those who are hurting, we pray for comfort. For those who are anxious, we pray for peace. For those who are grieving, we pray for contentment.

All these things we ask in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2012

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