Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Heavenly Father,

We celebrate today! In worship, awe, and reverence we praise You for raising Your Son, Jesus, our Savior, from the dead, forever conquering sin. We glorify You, honor You, and raise our voices in joyful song of adoration.

For Your grace and mercy, we thank You.

For Your sovereignty and might, we thank You.

For Your unconditional love which casts out fear, we thank You.

Jesus, our risen King, we offer ourselves to be Your servants. Let us honor your sacrifice with whole-hearted devotion. Equip us to tell all who will hear of Your victory over the dark forces of sin, and bring others into Your light.

When we sin, when we turn away, when we choose self over You, forgive us. Bring us back to the cross, at Your feet, where we can live in perfect peace - Your perfect peace.

It's Easter morning! We praise Your name! Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2012

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