Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prayer - Commitment

Heavenly Father,

How wonderful You are! We worship You for the many blessings You give Your children and for the gifts of Your grace and mercy.

You often hear us complain, saying life's unfair. We fail to see Your work in us, using disappointment, waiting, health challenges, and even tragedy to shape us into who You desire us to be. Help us to remember, all things can be used to Your good and while You do not cause our pain You can use it.

We turn to Your Word, looking for answers and find them all there, waiting to be discovered and applied. We thank You for understanding our needs when we ourselves do not. We are grateful for Your unconditional love despite our sin. And we do truly repent, turning away from the worldly toward You, Jesus. Let our lives be committed to honoring You.

In Jesus' Holy Name we pray. Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2012

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