Sunday, February 26, 2012

Prayer - Lent 3

Heavenly Father,

All glory is Yours, Almighty God, for Your wonderful deeds and saving grace. None is like You, Lord, who sees our flaws and loves us in spite of them. We honor You and give You our praise.

Help us to see the fruits of life lived in and for You. Guide us as we repent of our sin and joyfully live into life in Your name. Give us patience with ourselves and greater trust in You. Reveal Your will for our lives, for the mission You have called us to complete.

Let our confidence in Your love and our salvation be apparent to all we encounter. Let us reflect Jesus' love to our family, friends, neighbors, and strangers alike. Let our witness to Your grace draw others to You.

We repent of our sin and lay it at Your feet, Precious Jesus. We relinquish the hold of material goods, money, and power on our lives. We turn away from our former selves and take on Christ!

All these things, we pray with sincere hearts and the hope of Christ our Savior. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2012

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