Sunday, February 26, 2012

Prayer Lent 2

Heavenly Father,

We praise Your glorious name, giving You all honor and glory. We worship You, Creator God, and celebrate Your unconditional, unchanging love for all of Your children.

In this time of repentence, preparation, and anticipation, help us to faithfully set aside time for You. Give us hearts for study of Your Word, time spent in meditation and prayer. Let this Lenten season be a time of drawing closer to You as we shut out the noise of the world.

We thank You for seeing our need and meeting it. We are filled with gratitude as we remember the gift of Your Son, Jesus, whose life, ministry, death, and resurrection transformed lives.

We pray for those who don't know You, Gracious God, nor our Savior Jesus. We intercede for them, asking You to soften their hearts and equip us for ministry to them. Give us the words, the actions, and the courage to witness to them. Help us bring one more to Jesus.

Forgive us, Lord, when we turn the other way when we see someone in need. Forgive us when we let busyness prevent us from time spent in communion with You.

We continue on our Lenten journey, seeking to be ever closer to You, with praise and thanksgiving for Your grace and mercy.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2012

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