Monday, January 30, 2012

Prayer - Truly Super

Heavenly Father,

Today, despite distraction and hype, we offer You praise for You alone are holy, powerful, great, and deserving of our worship. Glory and honor are yours, Almighty God.

Help us to keep our eyes focused on You, growing our understanding of Your will for us, and Your divine plan. Open our hearts and minds to your Word and all the wisdom contained there. Let us grow in faith, respond in service, and make disciples here on earth.

We pray for those who don't know You, Lord, and Your infinite love. We pray for those whose understanding of what's super doesn't include You! We raise those who are mourning, those who are ill, and those who are lost to You, the source of all goodness.

All these things we pray in the name of our Savior, Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2012

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