Monday, January 30, 2012

Prayer - Lovingly

Heavenly Father,

We love You, Lord. We celebrate Your goodness, grace and mercy. We honor Your sovereignty in our lives. And we praise You, our loving God.

Thank you for the gift of love. Without You, love would not exist for You are love. Your unconditional love gives us courage, strength, and the ultimate example for living in a broken world. We see and feel Your love, knowing it's constant when all else seems temporary.

Let our lives be dedicated to reflecting Your love to all we encounter. Help us to be Jesus for those who are lost. Equip us to love not only our family and friends but the unlovable as well.

And let our celebration of love be much more than superficial. Let it be authentic and honoring to You.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2012

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