Monday, January 30, 2012


Heavenly Father,

We glorify Your name, most Gracious God, and come to you to worship, praise, and celebrate your mercy.

We contemplate the season of Lent and begin with repentance. We lay at Your feet our failings, our unbelief, and sin. We open our hearts to You, knowing You see us clearly even when we hide from ourselves.

As we repent from wrongdoing, errant thoughts, dishonorable intent, and sin, we take another step as well. We turn away from sin and toward You! We reject our worldly focus and instead claim our place as Your Children, holy and beloved. Forgiven.

During these days of Lent, let us make a practice of worship and study, giving You the sacrifice of our time spent with You.

In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2012

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