Sunday, January 8, 2012

Prayer - Home

Heavenly Father,

In you we find our home, our place of refuge and security. We can trust you to be our rock, our solid foundation, and immoveable when all else seems temporary. Let our prayers be reflections of our love for you, our loving Father, gracious Savior, and Holy Spirit.

Help us to always find our joy in you - not in things, places, and possessions. Let us place more value on relationships than acquisitions. Lead us to understand the concept of home in you - the place where we are unconditionally loved and our most elemental needs are always met.

Surround us with your loving arms, giving us courage when ours fails. Hold us up when our strength is gone. Equip us to be your messengers, able to share our confidence in you with all those we encounter.

We raise to you those who have no roof over their heads. Protect them from harm, provide for them, and let us be determined in our mission to serve them with compassion, guarding their dignity, preserving their pride, and valuing them as your children.

All these things we pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.

(C) 2012 Ann Trimble-Ray

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