Sunday, January 8, 2012

Prayer - Service in Jesus' name

Heavenly Father,

Our hearts unite in praise of your glory. We celebrate your goodness, mercy, and grace. We honor you for unconditional love made evident in the gift of your Son, our Savior, Jesus.

Blessed Jesus, we are overwhelmed when we contemplate your example of obedience, service, love, and mercy. We seek to be your disciples, reflecting your love to all those we encounter. We want to bring others to know you personally, intimately, and joyfully.

Equip us to do your will, to be your hands and feet. Help us to serve unselfishly, doing so not for acknowledgement nor praise, but to glorify you.

When we fall short, forgive us. We are sinful yet you conquered sin for us so we might live confidently, hopefully, and expectantly, looking forward to life everlasting with you in heaven.

It is in your holy name we pray. Amen.

(C) 2012 Ann Trimble-Ray

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