Thursday, February 4, 2010

Prayer - Advent

Heavenly Father, King Jesus, Precious Holy Spirit,

We come before you in this season of advent seeking peace. We covet peace in our hearts and minds, our day-to-day living, our work, our play, and our relationships.

As we become consumed with the busyness of Christmas – the decorating, shopping, wrapping, baking, planning, and chaos – help us to stop and feast upon your presence in our lives. Give us the wisdom to focus on the celebration of Christ’s birth. In quiet contemplation, lead us to worship you, spending time in prayer and reading your Word.

Let us become peacemakers in our homes, workplaces, community, and church. Guide us to release all that’s weighing on our hearts, giving our burdens to you, freeing us to be your disciples. Show us how relinquishing control to you soothes our souls and strengthens our hearts.

We await with joyous hearts the celebration of Jesus’ birth, in whose name we pray, Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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