Thursday, February 4, 2010

Prayer - Resolutions/January

Gracious God,

January is a month of resolutions. We come to you in prayer asking your strength and wisdom so we might:

Praise You unceasingly
Thank you for the many blessings we receive
Raise up our friends and family to you for your anointing
Seek the Holy Spirit’s presence
Serve others
Spread the good news of the Gospel
Pray constantly
Minister to those in need
Worship meaningfully and authentically
Study your Word

Let us become true disciples, never forgetting that all good things come from you, Lord. Help us to boldly proclaim our faith, being role models for all who see our actions.

Give us courage to take the next step in our faith walk. As we grow and stretch outside our comfort zones, lead us to the path you would have us take. Let us not forget your good and perfect will for each of us, that you desire only good for your children.

We praise you, Heavenly Father, for your unfailing love. We raise up to you your entire church family. In this new year, keep them under your protection and inspired to serve.

All these things we ask in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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