Thursday, February 4, 2010

Prayer Advent

Heavenly Father,

This Advent season, and everyday, help us to remember and glorify the greatest gift ever given - your Son, Jesus Christ. Fill us with unspeakable joy as we think of our Savior leaving his heavenly home and coming to earth to save us.

We think about that young couple, blessed by you, as they traveled to Bethlehem. Help us to trust like they did so many years ago, to know You are good and will provide for all our needs. When they found themselves in the stable, with angels and shepherds as their guests, they knew you would provide.

Give us hearts to be your messengers, telling the news of our Savior’s birth. This baby, born in a stable, would pay the price for all of our sins and save us from ourselves. Give us strength, give us wisdom, and put the words in our mouths to continue to herald the birth of our King.

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, help us to be awed once again at the miracle of Jesus’ birth. Let our hearts overflow with rejoicing and praise for the baby Jesus. And give us spirits of worship and thanksgiving at this most precious time of year.

We thank you, Lord of All, for sending not only Jesus to save us, but for the gift of the other pastors in our. Guide, guard, and protect them from secular influences and attacks from the evil one. Bless also the members of our church family who together worship and adore you.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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