Friday, January 1, 2010

Prayer - Thankfulness

Merciful Father,

For the abundant blessings you have poured out on your children, we praise you. For the generosity you lavish upon us, we glorify you. For the unconditional love you offer all of your children, we honor you.

We see your handiwork in the sun, moon, and stars, the landscape, and nature. We cherish the people you have set in our paths – friends, family, strangers, and sojourners.

For your grace and mercy, undeserved and yet so appreciated, we are constantly thankful. And for the gift of your son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit we remain in awe. The wonder of your being and example of giving amaze and delight us.

As stewards of the many gifts you give, we seek to always glorify you. Let us possess unselfish hearts and extravagant giving. While we return a gift so small in comparison to the ones you have shared, we do so full of joy. Let our offerings be a blessing to those who will receive them.

In Jesus’ holy and wonderful name we pray. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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