Friday, January 1, 2010

Prayer - Stewardship

Gracious God,

All praise and glory be to you, our Heavenly Father, in whom we have faith and place our trust. We give you our best – the first fruits of our lives in time, talents, gifts, and service. You are holy and greatly to be praised.

We seek to know your will and abide by it. Show us your heart so we might know the path to take and choices to make. Give us wisdom and discernment. Help us to turn from false teachings and follow only you.

We thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity, your presence among us. We invite the Holy Spirit into our lives in worship and daily activity. Be with us as we seek to live in a manner pleasing to you.

When we fall short, when we make bad choices, when we turn our hearts to the unholy, forgive us. We repent of our sin and ask Jesus to once again be Lord of our lives. For in him are we all saved.

All these things we pray in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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