Friday, January 1, 2010

Advent Prayer

Heavenly Father,

With hearts filled with awe, spirits alive with promise, we anticipate the birth of the Baby King. We offer all praise, honor, and glory to you for the gift of your son, born in a stable, and destined to save us all.

Let us celebrate Jesus this Christmas, not material things. Help us to reflect the extravagant and unconditional love you showed your children in all of our relationships. In us, let others see the light of Christ, the Holy Child.

We worship you, Almighty Father, and lay bare our hearts before you. Wash us from our sin, turn our eyes toward you, let us worship today and always in spirit and truth.

We seek your blessings and favor to be shown to your family on earth. Thank you for all you have so generously given, most especially, your son, Jesus.

In His name we pray, Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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