Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prayer - Service

Heavenly Father,

We praise you and give you glory. You are alone are holy and worthy of our worship. We honor you, love you, and adore you.

We thank you, dear Jesus, for your love for us and for your obedience to our Father’s will. We ask you to walk beside us, giving us confidence, courage, and the example we all need.

Holy Spirit, keep the fire of belief lit within us, inspiring us to respond with service in Jesus’ name. Never let us lose our hope, our confidence, and our strength that comes from God alone.

Surround us with your love, most gracious God. Reveal to us your will and show us the ministry you have in store for us. Let us reach out beyond ourselves and our congregation to tell of your goodness. Put the words in our mouths so we can share the good news of the Gospel, living as imperfect examples seeking to glorify you in all we do and say.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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