Sunday, January 17, 2010

Prayer - community

Heavenly Father,

You are an awesome God, beyond our understanding and full of glory. We praise you for showing us your favor though unmerited. We give you our love, our worship, and our devotion.

Create a community among us, Father, where we rely first and fully on you, with confidence we are surrounded by faithful friends who will join in our joy, our concerns, our frustrations, our sorrows, our victories, and our service in your name.

Guide us to do your will, reveal your desires for us. Equip us to do your work on earth with your children. We want to serve you, beloved Lord.

We seek your blessings for our faith journeys, our church family, our community, and all your creation.

We love you, thank you for your son, Jesus, and treasure your Holy Spirit.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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