Thursday, February 4, 2010

Prayer - Creation

Heavenly Father,

We celebrate the creation you have blessed us with. We marvel at your earth and all its inhabitants. We revel in the beauty of crops, gardens, flowers, and lawns growing - reaching heavenward to signal their success.

Most gracious God, we praise you for faithfully answering our prayers. We remain confident and joyful no matter our circumstances knowing you desire only good for your children. We embrace your unconditional love and rejoice in you, our solid rock, the unshakeable foundation on which we can always stand.

Let our worship be pleasing to you. Give us hearts for service to our fellow man. Jesus, walk with us as we seek to do your will, to treat others as you did. Holy Spirit, we ask you to be with us, guiding us and inspiring us to take the next steps in our journey.

We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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