Friday, January 1, 2010

Prayer - Courage

Heavenly Father,

We raise your name on high, praising you without ceasing for your great love for us. We honor you, Father God, for blessing each of us beyond measure. In you we place our faith, our trust, and our hope for a future spent worshiping you.

Precious Jesus, we thank you. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for your obedience, your example, your death and resurrection which make the way for our salvation. Until we are united in heaven, we ask you to be our companion, guardian, guide, and friend. Show us the way – lead and we will follow.

Holy Spirit, fill us. Reside with us and light the fire of the chosen in us so we can be a beacon to those who do not understand, do not believe. Give us courage and boldness to witness to your power in our lives and our church.

Help us to remember the trials we face define our faith, making us strong and better witnesses to you in our lives. Continue to bless your people.

In the name of our risen savior we pray, Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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