Friday, January 1, 2010

Prayer - God's Will

Heavenly Father,

Our hearts cry out to you with our praise. You are holy, mighty, and powerful, full of love. In you we place our whole trust, knowing you plan only good for your children.

Show us your will for us, beloved Lord. Guide us to the people, places, and circumstances you have in store for us. Lead us along the path you have designed. Open our eyes, ears, and hearts to your prompting.

Turn us away from worldly distractions separating us from you. True fulfillment and happiness comes from a life of devotion to you. Our searching can cease when we look to you for all our needs, our wants, and our future.

Help us to grow in our faith. Reveal yourself to us and continue to bless us with your favor. Show us your love. Let us be the messengers of that love in our community.

Show us your favor. Shower us with your love. Equip us to be ministers of the Gospel to all.

These things we ask in the precious and wonderful name of Jesus, our risen Savior. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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