Friday, January 1, 2010

Prayer - Easter

Heavenly Father,

How wonderful and mighty are you, beloved God, who sent your Son to die on the cross, then raised him from the dead we all might live. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

We praise you most merciful Lord for loving us enough you would shower your grace and mercy upon us. In raising Jesus, you wiped the slate clean for all of us. He who was truly sinless took our sins with him to the cross where he was nailed. With his resurrection we receive new life, new opportunity, and a new mission to be ministers of the Gospel.

Precious Jesus, our Savior and friend, we rejoice at your triumph over death. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for your sacrifice and we wait for the day we can bow at your feet to say thank you. Let us reflect your love to all we encounter, sharing the good news of salvation with all who will hear. Give us courage, give us wisdom, and give us boldness so we can be your disciples.

We are so unworthy. Forgive us for being less than you call us to be. Show us your will, gracious God, so we follow the right path. Strengthen our faith, so when we are tested, we honor and glorify you.

We celebrate the resurrection of our living Savior today and all days. It is in his holy name we pray, Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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