Monday, November 7, 2011

Prayer - Advent 1 2011

Heavenly Father,

We enter the season of Advent, a time of waiting, and turn our focus on you. We prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child, a baby who would become our King.

Throughout Advent we hope. Hope does not put us to shame. We are called to be hopeful. And we are called to be messengers of your love.

We enjoy a wonderful privilege to share the hope of your glory with all who are suffering and hopeless. We have all experienced pain and been renewed with hope. With your love poured out into our hearts, we are equipped to face any challenge. And we remain in hope as we wait for the birth of your son, Jesus, Son of God and Son of Man.

Thank you, Gracious God, for giving us hope and sending Jesus to save us.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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