Sunday, October 9, 2011

Prayer - Gratitude

Heavenly Father,

All we have is yours. Thank you. All we need, you provide. Thank you.

We are filled with gratitude, Jesus, for the many blessings we enjoy. We are rich beyond imagining! We have a heavenly Father who loves us unconditionally despite our failures. We have a Savior who loved us so much he took our sins to the cross with him where he died to ensure our eternal salvation. We have the Holy Spirit who lives with us each day, guiding and directing us.

Help us to live gratefully, to serve obediently, and to share boldly the message of the Gospel. Let our lives be models for those who don't know Jesus and seek more for themselves and their families. Guide us in our speaking so it always honors you, Gracious God.

For all the bounty we enjoy, we know there are those who are hungry for food and for a relationship with Jesus. Give us the means to meet those needs whether they be found close to home or far from here.

In the glorious name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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