Sunday, November 20, 2011

Prayer of Intercession

Heavenly Father,

My soul cries out to you, great cries of grief and pain. I seek your presence, your comfort, and your strength. I lay before you the hurt I feel and relinquish my grip on the circumstances causing me distress.

I give you my loved one, asking you do a mighty work in this heart, transforming anger, fear, and chaos. Touch your child with your peace, bringing contenment where there is none. Illuminate the right path, giving guidance, assurance, and safety where there is none.

I pour out this prayer, knowing you are greater than our woes and mighty to save. I boldly ask for your intervention, giving you all glory, honor, and praise for you alone are holy, able to do more than we can imagine for your children.

In the holy and precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Prayer - Advent 4 2011

Heavenly Father,

We have enjoyed this Advent journey and the opportunity to focus on your gifts of hope, love, joy, and peace.

We have learned a peaceful life is one filled with hope, love, and joy as well. These gifts come to us through Your son, Jesus, who fulfilled the prophecy, ministered on earth, and died to save us.

During Advent, we take time to contemplate all the gifts we have been given. The gifts of hope, love, joy, and peace have greater value than anything we could possibly purchase, make, or discover. Our lives are made richer by embracing and sharing these gifts with all we encounter, along with the story - and reality - of Jesus’ birth.

We praise You, Creator God, for loving us so much You sent Your Son to live on earth with us. Advent gives us time to pause, pray, and thank You for these great gifts.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Prayer - Advent 3 2011

Heavenly Father,

In this time of Advent as we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Baby King, we are filled with Joy!

We can’t understand Your plans for us. You are infinitely wise and have vision beyond our comprehension. We can believe, however, You have our best interests at heart and wish joy for all Your children.

We anticipate the birth of Jesus with increasing hope, love, and joy. Our hearts are renewed by the promise of the Messiah, born to young parents and raised in humble circumstances. We find ourselves growing ever more eager to celebrate this miraculous birth and all the joy it brings.

All glory to You, our Gracious God, for the gift of joy we experience during Advent and all year long.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Prayer - Advent 2 2011

Heavenly Father,

Our Advent journey brings us to the subject of love. We open our hearts and expand our understanding of this incredible gift!

We are Your children - children of God! There is no higher calling. We are loved by our Creator, given talents and abilities to glorify You.

We should never feel less than adequate. Your love for us is unconditional. We have not earned it. We cannot purchase it. We simply must accept it and along with it the blessed responsibility to live in Your light.

And because we are loved unconditionally, You sent Your son, Jesus, to be our Savior. He is both fully God and fully man, the reflection of His Heavenly Father and our brother who loved His earthly family and friends passionately.

Come, Lord Jesus, come!

In His name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Prayer - Advent 1 2011

Heavenly Father,

We enter the season of Advent, a time of waiting, and turn our focus on you. We prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child, a baby who would become our King.

Throughout Advent we hope. Hope does not put us to shame. We are called to be hopeful. And we are called to be messengers of your love.

We enjoy a wonderful privilege to share the hope of your glory with all who are suffering and hopeless. We have all experienced pain and been renewed with hope. With your love poured out into our hearts, we are equipped to face any challenge. And we remain in hope as we wait for the birth of your son, Jesus, Son of God and Son of Man.

Thank you, Gracious God, for giving us hope and sending Jesus to save us.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011