Sunday, November 20, 2011

Prayer of Intercession

Heavenly Father,

My soul cries out to you, great cries of grief and pain. I seek your presence, your comfort, and your strength. I lay before you the hurt I feel and relinquish my grip on the circumstances causing me distress.

I give you my loved one, asking you do a mighty work in this heart, transforming anger, fear, and chaos. Touch your child with your peace, bringing contenment where there is none. Illuminate the right path, giving guidance, assurance, and safety where there is none.

I pour out this prayer, knowing you are greater than our woes and mighty to save. I boldly ask for your intervention, giving you all glory, honor, and praise for you alone are holy, able to do more than we can imagine for your children.

In the holy and precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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