Thursday, September 29, 2011

Prayer - Understanding

Heavenly Father,

Holy are you, Lord, and greatly to be praised by all who adore you! We seek you, Jesus, in all our waking hours, wanting to be aware of your presence and glorying in your love for us. We tune our hearts, minds, and souls to the Holy Spirit who nudges us in the direction of the holy.

We recognize the limitations of our humanity. We cannot fully understand your infinite nature, Gracious God. We cannot comprehend your obedience and majesty, dear Jesus. We cannot grasp your nurture of all, Holy Spirit.

We ask for wisdom and discernment. Help us to embrace what we cannot fully perceive and celebrate being children of a omnipotent and all-powerful Heavenly Father whose love cannot be measured.

Let us see clearly how challenges, obstacles, and heartache shape us into the people we are intended to be. Reveal to us your perfect will, guide us along the path you intend for us. And forgive us our sin as we fall short.

Thank you for your magnificent grace, unconditional love, and faithfulness. We are blessed and ask you to continue to shower blessings upon us. Equip us to be your messengers, spreading the good news of the Gospel to all who would hear.

In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Prayer - Holy Moments

Heavenly Father,

We praise you for being all we need and so much more. We worship you for being holy, sovereign, and mighty. We honor you for being loving, full of grace and mercy.

Help us to set aside the busyness of life, to make the choice to spend more time with you by studying your Word, in prayer, and service. Reveal to us how to prioritize our choices putting you first and then enjoying the rewards of relationship with you.

Thank you, Gracious God, for holy moments in which we become acutely aware of your presence. Help us to quiet our minds and still our activities so we can be joined with you in thanksgiving for your unconditional love.

Let all we do and say honor you. Equip us to serve and expand your kingdom here on earth.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Prayer - Friends

Heavenly Father,

Glory to you, our most Gracious God, for your wisdom and understanding. We are so blessed by you, for the way you created us to be in relationship with you and with each other. Your perfect plan for us is divine and joyful. With you, we are never alone. With Jesus, we are upheld. With the Holy Spirit, we are inspired.

Thank you for the gift of friendship. Just as Jesus needed and developed intimate friendships with his Disciples and others, we also have the opportunity to be equally blessed. We celebrate friends who love us unconditionally, who share unreservedly, who help us be better in all aspects of our lives. We cherish these friends and the contentment these relationships bring to our lives.

The devotion of Christians friends fuels our spirits as we join together in study of your Word, in prayer, and holy conversation. We see your hand in forging these bonds which enable us to grow spiritually, personally, and emotionally.

We pray, dear Jesus, for those who don't live in friendship with you as well as for those who don't know the joy of relationship with Christian brothers and sisters. We humbly ask for you to fill those gaps, to bring your children to know you, to nurture each other's faith, to prop each other up, and to live according to your will.

All honor and glory are yours. We pray in the name of our friend and Savior, Jesus. Amen.

(C)Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Prayer - Living Joyfully

Heavenly Father,

We praise your name, giving you all honor and glory, worshipping you and your son, Jesus. We remain in awe of your love for us, your children, despite our flaws and sinful nature.

How great you are, Gracious God, to know our need and understand our need for a Savior. We are grateful for your mercy and grace.

Jesus, we need you. Walk with us and hold our hands when we fall. Set us back on right paths so we can serve you. Help us to live joyfully, remembering your sacrifice, and celebrating the promise of eternal life made possible only by your obedience.

Holy Spirit, we need you. Inspire us to boldness, to proclaim our faith, and win one more for Jesus.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

Prayer - Thankfulness

Heavenly Father,

We are built to worship you, to have joy through you, and to honor you. We praise you for the love you lavish upon all your children. We glorify you for watching over each of us, surrounding us with your tender mercy and infinite care.

Thank you for the trials we face. We know you do not wish harm for any of us. We understand how hardship refines our faith, strengthens our character, and causes us to rely fully upon you - this is how you intend us to live. Help us to remember.

When we experience times of plenty, help us to be grateful and remember you are the source of the bounty we enjoy. To often we neglect to turn toward you when all is well in thanksgiving for the many blessings we have received. Forgive us.

For those in need, we pray. For those who are hurting - physically, emotionally, financially - we ask you to provide what is needed.

We trust you, Lord. We love you, Lord. We worship you, Lord.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011