Thursday, September 15, 2011

Prayer - Friends

Heavenly Father,

Glory to you, our most Gracious God, for your wisdom and understanding. We are so blessed by you, for the way you created us to be in relationship with you and with each other. Your perfect plan for us is divine and joyful. With you, we are never alone. With Jesus, we are upheld. With the Holy Spirit, we are inspired.

Thank you for the gift of friendship. Just as Jesus needed and developed intimate friendships with his Disciples and others, we also have the opportunity to be equally blessed. We celebrate friends who love us unconditionally, who share unreservedly, who help us be better in all aspects of our lives. We cherish these friends and the contentment these relationships bring to our lives.

The devotion of Christians friends fuels our spirits as we join together in study of your Word, in prayer, and holy conversation. We see your hand in forging these bonds which enable us to grow spiritually, personally, and emotionally.

We pray, dear Jesus, for those who don't live in friendship with you as well as for those who don't know the joy of relationship with Christian brothers and sisters. We humbly ask for you to fill those gaps, to bring your children to know you, to nurture each other's faith, to prop each other up, and to live according to your will.

All honor and glory are yours. We pray in the name of our friend and Savior, Jesus. Amen.

(C)Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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