Thursday, September 29, 2011

Prayer - Understanding

Heavenly Father,

Holy are you, Lord, and greatly to be praised by all who adore you! We seek you, Jesus, in all our waking hours, wanting to be aware of your presence and glorying in your love for us. We tune our hearts, minds, and souls to the Holy Spirit who nudges us in the direction of the holy.

We recognize the limitations of our humanity. We cannot fully understand your infinite nature, Gracious God. We cannot comprehend your obedience and majesty, dear Jesus. We cannot grasp your nurture of all, Holy Spirit.

We ask for wisdom and discernment. Help us to embrace what we cannot fully perceive and celebrate being children of a omnipotent and all-powerful Heavenly Father whose love cannot be measured.

Let us see clearly how challenges, obstacles, and heartache shape us into the people we are intended to be. Reveal to us your perfect will, guide us along the path you intend for us. And forgive us our sin as we fall short.

Thank you for your magnificent grace, unconditional love, and faithfulness. We are blessed and ask you to continue to shower blessings upon us. Equip us to be your messengers, spreading the good news of the Gospel to all who would hear.

In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2011

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