Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Prayers - Show Us Your Path

Heavenly Father,

Great are You and greatly to be praised. Your love surrounds us, your creation enraptures us, your Son saved us. We honor You, giving You our worship, adoration, and glory.

We thank you, gracious Creator, for the blessings we enjoy. We are filled with gratitude for the gift of life, the presence of your Holy Spirit, and the grace only you can provide.

When we fall short of your will for us, forgive us. When we turn our backs on the needy, forgive us. When we sin against you, forgive us. Bring us back into right relationship with you.

Show us the path you would have us take and lead us to do your will. Help us to be humble servants, completing acts of mercy on your behalf.

We seek comfort for the grieving, healing for the sick, and more joy for all who call upon your name.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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