Thursday, February 4, 2010

Prayer - Trinity

Gracious God our Father, we praise you and lift high your name. We give you all honor and glory, worshipping you, the one true God, Father of us all.

We come before you as humble children, seeking your guidance. Be present with us, showing us the path you would have us take, leading us in your ways.

Gentle Redeemer, Son of God, we raise your name - that name above all names - in thanksgiving for the mercy-filled gift of your life and death on the cross. Walk beside us, Jesus, and allow us to shine as your light in the world.

Holy Spirit, ever-present guardian and friend, wrap us in your presence, push us out of our complacency, and pull us to be messengers of the Gospel to all who would hear.

Bless us all, Heavenly Father, and anoint the ministries of your children with your wisdom.

With grateful hearts we pray in the name of Jesus, our risen savior, Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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