Thursday, February 4, 2010

Prayer - Bounty

Heavenly Father,

We praise you for the bounty of your creation, Lord, at the harvest when crops come in as nature’s goodness is seen flowing from the fields. Bless your stewards of the land for the effort they take in planning, planting, and reaping foodstuffs to field your children around the world. Let all be safe and celebrating together the conclusion of the crop year.

We are reminded that we are not alone – we live in community with Christians near and far. As we lift high the cross in worship and in sharing at the communion table, we realize how big, how awesome, and loving you are. Father God, we raise our hearts and voices to thank you for your presence in our lives and for the gift of your son, Jesus.

We come to the table with the knowledge we have sinned, Lord. In our taking of the cup and sharing of the bread, we are reminded of the sacrifice you made through the death of Jesus on the cross. With his blood, he wiped away all our sin. Hallelujah!!

Jesus. Our savior, guardian, guide, and friend. Walk with us. Be present in all our days in all our activities. We seek to be your hands and feet, offering sacrificial love and service to our fellow man.

Holy Spirit. Surround us with your fire, uplifting us and leading us to ministry in the name of the Father and the Son.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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