Thursday, February 4, 2010

Prayer - Beauty

Gracious and Merciful God,

We praise you for the bounty and beauty of your creation, celebrating your presence in our lives. What a comfort and joy to know the unconditional love of our Heavenly Father, to feel the care you have put into our lives, and the power with which you reign. All glory we give you today and always.

As we enter the season of Thanksgiving, we are particularly mindful of the blessings we receive daily from you. Blessings of health, family, friends, and a church family brimming with renewal and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Creator God, for all we have been given and help us to be a reflection of that love to all we encounter. Help us to capture the enthusiasm and rebirth of your church and share You with our community.

We know, Lord, we have sinned. Help us to turn our backs on that sin and to lift our faces upward to You. Let us be your messengers, delivering the good news of the Gospel to all those whose hearts are ready to hear. Forgive us for those times we put ourselves first. Give us hearts for Christ and hands for service. Let our lives be dedicated to growing your Kingdom on earth – one at a time.

We praise you, Lord, for sending ministers of the Gospel to serve us, inspire us, and lead us on our Christian walk. Guide and protect these servants, give them wisdom, patience, and renewal.

In all things, all days, and all ways we glorify you, dear Lord, and we thank you most humbly for the greatest gift we have ever received, your son, Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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