Thursday, February 4, 2010

Prayer - Advent

Heavenly Father,

In this season of Advent, our hearts turn with expectation and anticipation to the coming of the Christ child. We celebrate your infinite wisdom and extravagant care for all your children made evident in the birth of one baby that night so many years ago. All glory, honor, and praise to you, Gracious God, for the gift of salvation made possible through the birth of Jesus in the humble stable, under the starry sky, with shepherds and wise men witnessing the miracle.

What blessings you have allowed your people. What favor you have shown your chosen ones. What joy you make possible because of your grace and mercy – unmerited yet treasured. We thank you for all you have so generously given.

Advent begins our Christian year and gives us the opportunity to once again renew and dedicate ourselves to service to you. Forgive us, Lord of all, for the times when we have fallen short of your will for us. We repent of our sins, asking you to create in us clean hearts. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so we are warmed with your presence, guided by you, and led to be all you expect.

Pour out your favor over your people. Anoint leaders among us to share your Gospel, to serve those in need, to honor you in all our activities. Surround each with your love, lifting their spirits to joyful worship. We humbly and earnestly ask for you to help us win one more for Jesus.

In his name we pray, Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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