Thursday, February 4, 2010

Prayer - 2010

Heavenly Father,

We are so blessed by your unfailing love and extravagant grace. We offer you our praise and thanksgiving for the generosity bestowed upon us – grace without merit, salvation without cost to us. Thank you for the gift of your son, Jesus, who paid the price for our sin.

Give us faith, give us courage, give us humility. Help us to put our humanness – those emotions of pride, fear, arrogance, and vanity, in their proper perspective. Increase our wisdom and bless us with discernment so in all our actions you are glorified rather than our own ambitions or desires. Forgive our sins, our failings, and our irresponsibility.

In all things, help us put you first, living lives of worship, engaging in meaningful conversation with you. Let our thoughts be directed to you so we become acutely aware of your presence every moment of our days.

With all you have given us, we come before you asking for more – more joy, more comfort, more knowledge, more peace. Give us the tools to be effective disciples, spreading the Gospel to all who would hear.

Gracious God, please bless all those who call upon your name and claim Jesus as their savior. Hear their prayers, provide for their needs.

We ask your special blessing on 2010. Let it be a year of glory in your name when hearts are won to Jesus.

In his name we pray. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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