Monday, January 11, 2010

Prayer - Lost

Heavenly Father,

We praise and thank you for being the home we can always return to, no matter what we’ve done. Your open arms, grace, and mercy welcome us into your embrace, drawing us close where you long to hold us.

Help us to turn our faces to you. When we are lost, show us the way home and reveal your will to us. Let us be a joy to you, honoring you in all we do.

Give us servant’s hearts so we build your kingdom on earth. We are grateful for your Word, for its comfort, guidance, challenge, and revelation.

Pour out your blessings on the people of the Early UMC, Bishop Trimble, DS Colorado, Pastor DeeAnn, and all those who call upon your name.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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