Sunday, January 3, 2010

Prayer - Fill Our Needs

Heavenly Father,

Great are you and worthy of our praise. We raise our voices in joyful song, responding to your goodness, grace, and mercy. All honor and glory are yours.

We thank you for your constant protection, your unconditional love, and unmerited favor. We are grateful you never turn your back on your children and offer our hearts in return.

Give us wisdom – to make good choices. Give us love – to be reflections of you. Give us courage – to do the right thing. Give us compassion – to serve our brothers and sisters. Give us faith – for times we struggle. Give us hope – for our eternal life made possible by your son, Jesus.

We seek your blessings and ask you to reveal your will to us. Let us be blessings to you in all we say and do. Guide our paths, direct our actions, and surround us with your love.

We ask these things in Jesus name. Amen.

© Ann Trimble-Ray 2010

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