Thursday, July 12, 2012

Prayer - in the details

Heavenly Father,

We’re celebrate having You in the details of our lives. We are grateful You care enough to know the number of hairs on our heads and yet still remain in control of the universe and all that’s in it. Your wisdom, might, and majesty create awe within us and lead us to worship.

Give us an appreciation for Your world and all that’s in it. Help us to see not just what’s directly in front of us but the wider world around us as well. Let us understand anew how You brought the earth and all its contents into being. From nothing You brought forth life – the birds of the air, fish of the sea, mountains and valleys, animals of all kinds, and Your children, unconditionally loved and forgiven.

We thank You, Gracious God, for sending Your Son, Jesus, to be our friend, our brother, and Savior. We flourish when we invest ourselves in relationship with You, Jesus, and grow into Your likeness however slowly, however imperfectly. Continue to pour out Your blessings upon us, equipping us to be disciples who spread the Good News to all who will hear.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2012

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