Thursday, July 12, 2012

Prayer - graduates

Heavenly Father,

We celebrate You, coming to You in worship, praise, and thanksgiving. With united hearts, joyful spirits, and great expectation, we look forward with great anticipation to all You have in store for us.

Enlighten us, open our eyes to Your leading and will for our lives. Equip us to be Your messengers, spreading the Good News of the Gospel by our words, actions, and example.

Let us be Your hands and feet, Jesus, working to expand Your Kingdom on earth. Help us to see needs, meet them with compassion, and give You the glory.

We ask for Your protection for all our high school graduates who take the next steps forward in their lives. Guide, guard, and protect them, Gracious God, helping them to live joyful, faithful, and productive lives dedicated to serving You and growing ever closer to You in the process.

All these things we ask in the name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.

(c) Ann Trimble-Ray 2012

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