Monday, January 2, 2012

Prayer - New Day

Heavenly Father,

We glorify you and welcome the New Year filled with possibilities and opportunities to serve you.

Help us to welcome each new day, anticipating the surprises you have in store for us. Reveal to us your will and lead us to be responsive to the Holy Spirit's guidance. Relieve us of the compulsion to look into the future filled with worry and anxiety. Teach us to live in the present, with you, and celebrating the blessings of life lived in your presence.

Thank you, Jesus, for being our intimate friend, for knowing and loving us so deeply you were obedient to death for our sakes. You are our good shepherd in whom we can trust completely. Forgive us when we don't.

In the holy name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

(C) Ann Trimble-Ray 2012

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